Generics in Swift

Swift Generics allow us to write reusable functions and data structures that can work with any type. We can write clear and concise code that works for any type, this reduces the risk of introducing bugs.

Generic Functions

In Swift, we can create a function that works with any type. For example, suppose we want to create a function that swaps two values of any type.

func swapValues<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) {
    let temp = a
    a = b
    b = temp

var a = 10
var b = 20
swapValues(&a, &b)
print(a) // Output: 20
print(b) // Output: 10

var c = "Hello"
var d = "World"
swapValues(&c, &d)
print(c) // Output: "World"
print(d) // Output: "Hello"

In the example above, we have created a generic function called swapValues() that takes two values of any type and swaps them. The placeholder T is a generic type parameter, meaning it can be any type (e.g. Int, String, etc.).

Generic Data Structures

Generics are not limited to functions. We can use them to define generic data structures like classes, structs, and enums.

struct Box<T> {
    var value: T
let intBox = Box(value: 10)
let stringBox = Box(value: "Hello")

print(intBox.value) // Output: 10
print(stringBox.value) // Output: "Hello"

In the example above, Box is a generic data structure that can hold any type of value. We create two instances of Box, one with an Int value and one with a String value.

Constraints on Generics

Sometimes, we want to add some restrictions to what types can be used with a generic. Swift allows us to specify constraints on generics to ensure they conform to a certain protocol.

func sum<T: Numeric>(_ array: [T]) -> T {
    array.reduce(0, +)

print(sum([1, 1.5, 2])) // Output: 4.5

// This will not work because String is not Numeric
// print(sum(["a", "b", "c"]))
// Error: function 'sum' requires that 'String' conform to 'Numeric'

In the example above, the generic function sum() is created with type constraints. This means sum() can only work with types that conform to the Numeric protocol (e.g. Int, Double, etc.).

Generic Protocols

Generic can also be used with protocols. This allows for even more flexible and reusable code.

protocol Storage {
    associatedtype Item
    func store(item: Item)
    func retrieve() -> Item?

class SimpleStorage<T>: Storage {
    private var items: [T] = []

    func store(item: T) {

    func retrieve() -> T? {
        return items.isEmpty ? nil : items.removeLast()

let intStorage = SimpleStorage<Int>() 42)
print(intStorage.retrieve() ?? "Empty")  // Output: 42

In the example above, the Storage protocol has an associatedtype called Item. The SimpleStorage class conforms to the Storage protocol with a specific type T that is determined when the class is instantiated.

Generic Typealiases

Generic typealiases allow us to create a new name for an existing type (i.e., they would not introduce a new type). Let's see an example below.

typealias StringDictionary<T> = [String: T]
typealias IntFunction<T> = (Int) -> Int
typealias Vector<T> = (T, T, T)

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